This is where i kick back and relax and enjoy life! Feel free to surf... Although you can be doing something else... Anything leave a comment!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Waking Up To Bad Dreams

wtf.. people always say that dreams is just mind playing tricks on you. well, what i can tell you is it really does. when dreaming about bunch of these crap waking the next morning, you really need a reality check on the face. that is what i really need to begin with this morning... its only 8am and heck, im sweating, my heart is pounding, everything is so scary..

the thought of losing people, losing the one you love, being left by yourself, or car accident really can make a person wake up in a quick moment. maybe sbb lambat smbhyg subuh... so, no comment.

really am looking foward to a bighther day for that im sure that it will be better then waking up this morning..
REALITY in CHECK!! that is what is needed for me today!!

Monday, January 24, 2011

BekFast with Nadiah

well, arinie bgon xbape sihat so kepada sesiapa yg ad tutorial bersamaku kul9am td mmg perasan la yg ak xg kelas... hahah.. HET224 mesti sunyi gler2.. besala owng yg slalu buat bising xde kat situ.. anyways, i decided to stay in and wake up at around .. hmmm lets say 8.30 ... :P
after that nk g breakfast la konon nyer.. tp g gak kat bilik mama konon nye mama nk belanja.. last2 akim yg kena belanja nadiah.. bengong!!

"Nie die minah yg ak kena belanja..."

anyways, pagi2 lg dah kena jalan g bakti.. ish.. tkot tol owng kat USM nie ramai yg kepoci2 so .... No comment!! hahaha.. so skrang kita ilex2 sudah.. bnyk lagi benda yg ptot nk settle, well settle...
1. nk cari jacket
2. buat new glasses
3. read "Heroes" by Karim Raslan
4. main ipad lg berbaloi ...

so pesanan ntok semua di luar sana, dlm kehidupan kita nie, ad kita dan diri kita sahaja... so xxyah la kepoci psl hidup owng lain... so arinie bru 3 jam awake, so many things dah jd... hope the rest of the day is BETTER!!
salam rindu ntok semua yg membaca...